
What is wrong with a car that burns a lot of oil?

What is wrong with a car that burns a lot of oil?

Burning oil is often the result of worn out parts. For example, worn valve seals and/or piston rings could lead to your car burning oil. Both valve seals and piston rings work to keep engine oil out of the combustion chamber.

  1. Should I get rid of my car if its burning oil?
  2. How do you fix high oil consumption?
  3. Why is my car losing oil but no leak?

Should I get rid of my car if its burning oil?

Your car can run for a while if it's burning oil, as long as you keep adding engine oil when it gets low. ... Excessive oil in the exhaust can cause your catalytic converter to overheat or fail. Low engine oil can cause a blown motor or seized engine.

How do you fix high oil consumption?

Switching to a "high mileage" oil the next time you change oil may help reduce oil leaks and burning. Switching to a heavier viscosity motor oil may also help reduce oil consumption. Try moving up one viscosity grade the next time you change oil.

Why is my car losing oil but no leak?

When a car mysteriously loses oil, there are usually two possible causes: either you've sprung a leak, or your engine is burning it away. ... But if you have to add a quart or more of oil to your engine between changes and there's no leak to be found, chances are your vehicle's burning oil.

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