
If a material can be permanently deformed without breaking it is said to be?

If a material can be permanently deformed without breaking it is said to be?

Malleability is the degree of which materials can be permanently deformed in all directions as a compression forces caused by impact such as hammering, pressing, rolling, without cracking or breaking.

  1. What property of material that can be bend without breaking?
  2. What is the ability to change shape without breaking?
  3. What property of materials break easily?
  4. Which word means able to bend without breaking?

What property of material that can be bend without breaking?

Bendable or flexible materials are materials that are able to be bent out of shape or compressed without breaking, and can easily be returned to their original shape.

What is the ability to change shape without breaking?

Malleability is a physical property of matter, usually metals. The property usually applies to the family groups 1 to 12 on the modern periodic table of elements. It is the ability of a solid to bend or be hammered into other shapes without breaking.

What property of materials break easily?

Brittleness identifies material easily broken, damaged, disrupted, cracked, and/or snapped. Brittleness can result from different conditions such as from drying, plasticizer migration, etc.

Which word means able to bend without breaking?

pliable. adjective. able to bend or change shape easily without breaking.

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